Women empowerment is the act of providing quality education, access to opportunities and resources to enable them to change the social structure of the society and nation. It helps in increasing women self esteem, prestige and self confidence. Empowered women have the positive attitudes towards family members and decision making but in most of the countries, they are taken as economic disasters and burden.

            Today's world is the age of science and technology but women are still constant. It's because of the prevailing traditional wrong concepts towards women since ancient days. Women empowerment in 21th century is very essential so as to forward and encourage women towards the development of the society and nation. Still there are many backward societies considering women as meaningless human in most of the patriarchal countries. They are prohibited from various facilities like quality education, good health services, nutritious food, proper care and love. They remain backward in whole life and they are not given any chances to adopt these facilities. Example; involving in social works, working  in banks, offices. They have to be bounded by four domestic walls throughout the life. Involving in social meetings and activities are not taken good by their family members. Male have always been forwarded as society supports and encourage them. As a male, female can also perform any sorts of activities and go hand in hand with male. Male have higher wages than of female for doing the same work as it is also a kind of domination and gender based violence. A well educated woman can be a good and skilled technical human resources required for the country like doctor, nurse, social workers and engineer if all facilities made available for them. As strong human resources, they play an important role in building of the nation economically and socially. They can make a different identity in the society but in different parts of the world, still women have to suffer from sexual violence, psychological violence and physical violence like slaps, biting and discrimination from the family member because they are economically weak. Even in 21th century, the condition of the women is very critical. Many women die each year in the world because of pre-mature pregnancy, anemia and HIV/AIDS as they are exploited. So, there are various measures to overcome such situations. Women can be given income generating skills to earn livelihood and knowledge on reproductive rights. So, they are able to decide to have the limited number of children, use appropriate family planning methods, birth spacing and safe motherhood. Empowered women are able to seek health care service during pregnancy and bear safe motherhood. They visit health centers after delivery for checkup of the new born child. Such women are likely attracted towards small family. They can be able for decision making in the family and help in controlling of the growing population of the world.

            Empowered women play a vital role in the family, society and nation. They can maintain the family in a systematic way and earn money employing in income generating skills. Women should be motivated and supported by the society and country to change the face of the narrowed minded societies. The status of women is not comparable with men because they have also the capability to combat socially, economically and politically in the country.




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