Computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, data and recordings. It performs various types of activities instructed by the users. The father of computer is Charles Babbage. It is the boon of science and technology in modern days. It have been used widely and globally found in various shapes and size.
            Computers are widely used in different sectors like schools, banks, offices, hospitals, movie hall, etc. It plays a vital role for the development of the country and world. There is no one who has not heard about the word 'computer'. The knowledge on computer is the most importance part of education. Computers are widely used in school curriculum to enhance the children about the function and necessity of computer in modern days at early ages. It is used for calculation of the mathematical problems, teach the students by the help of the computers. Students need computers to study in a systematic way. It performs activities very efficiently than a person utilize his mind and bleaches their personal capability. They get more knowledge and skills using different applications like goggle.  Banks are the most users of the computer. It stores the information, financial transactions in an efficient way. If there is no invention of the computer, all the information and bank transactions have to be written in copies which may be unsafe from water, insect bites and dusts. So, the recording in the computer remains for long period of time. Computers are mostly used by children of higher societies as they play video games, watch movies, drawing various pictures and listening songs. They can be benefited largely as they can watch news living in the corner of the room. In offices also computer are highly used for printing purpose, recording of the number of staffs presented in the office and recording daily official activities in a systematic and scientific way. So, in modern days a person without computer knowledge cannot get a job.  Skillful people on computers are always in high demand for various purposes. Computers are needed in railways stations and airports as it records information about the departure and ticket booking system of airplane and train. Hospitals have also its own computer to operate surgical machines for surgery and record the number of the patients. It is also widely used to run different machines in the large scale industries and factories. Criminal investigations are performed from the use of modern computer. CC TV is operated from computer. It is useful for typing for thesis, designing of houses, newspapers, magazines and animation purpose to make advertisements. Through the computer, information and ideas can be exchanged as it is the fastest and reliable means of communication.  Letters, photos and information can be sent through e-mails and fax using the electronic device, computer. The excessive uses of computers have also some demerits like: children are fond of playing games in the computer which distracts their mind towards study and more use of it losses the eye vision. Sometimes, it may lose the stored data due to viruses.

            Computer is very familiar from young children to old people. Its course is included in college and universities as today's world are completely based on science and technology. If there hadn't been the invention of computer, the world wouldn't have been much forwarded in science and technology. It helps in making life of the people more visible, comfortable and easier. It is used daily in our daily life.




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