The contaminants in the natural environment in the form of noise, land, air and water which brings adverse changes in the environment and harms to human health is called environmental pollution. Pollutions in the environment invites different diseases in various forms. Environment  have been degrading day by day with the increase of the various forms of the pollution and gradually affecting the human health .
            Environmental pollution have been classified into four groups: air pollution, land pollution, water pollution and sound pollution. All these pollutions are the result of human activities like throwing unwanted sewages, mixing polluted liquids in the water sources causing water pollution, establishment of the industrial areas nearby residential areas causing air pollution and sound pollution. With the increase of rapid population growth, pollution is also increasing day by day in the world. Industrialization and urbanization is also increasing in bullet speed. Burning of coal in large amount and industries emits very harmful gases like chlorofluorocarbon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and dust particles gets mixed in the air which adversely affects living creatures and health of human being. It harms human health causing respiratory infection, common cold, allergy, high blood pressure, lungs diseases, poor vision, skin diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, etc. Such diseases results in long term exposure to workplace like industries and factories. The noise emitted from industries results in reduction of hearing power, sleep disturbances, laziness, dullness and mentally disturbed. Water pollution is also increasing daily. People link the drainage system in the river side, throw harmful chemical waste materials coming from hospitals nearby water sources like ponds, lakes, oceans, etc. Marine foods like types of fishes, prawn, crabs and polluted water are consumed unknowingly resulting in diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, kidney problems, vomiting, amoebic dysentery and jaundice. The harmful chemicals in water like fluorides, arsenic, lead, mercury, insecticides and pesticides remain as residues in the human intestine. So, mortality rate is increasing daily as it is serious condition in the present world. Similarly, solid wastages and sewages are left unmanaged in the lands and gets decayed which is degrading the soil fertility and reducing agricultural productions. The smell coming from such decayed solid wastage also contribute for air pollution and spread of germs, bacteria in air  helps in causing diseases.

            In spite of rapid growth of environmental pollution, there are various measure to control it. Water borne diseases and air borne diseases can be minimized in some extent.     Public toilets can be built in different place which helps to minimize water pollution and air pollution. Strict rules and regulations must be made and implement in a systematic way. Non renewable sources like coal, petrol must be limited in use and people should be united for pollution free environment and good health of the people. 




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