Malnutrition can be defined as the excess and deficit of the nutritive value required for the development and growth of the body resulting in major health problems. It results in two categories; under nutrition and over nutrition. However, malnutrition refers to the under nutrition. The food to be consumed should be nutritious containing various vitamins, carbohydrate, fats, mineral and proteins which boost the body preventing to be malnourished.
            Malnutrition is a major health problem resulting all over the world. It doesn't results by not eating nutritious foods daily in diet but also results by over eating. Overeating is not healthy practice from the health point of view; it results in over weight and obesity. Overeating is common in western countries and is attracted towards fast foods due to availability and accessibility, rather than nutritious foods like milk, fishes, green vegetables and proteins. Life styles and more eating habits also help for overweight which is the sign of bad health. The common reason for malnutrition is poverty and expensiveness. Poor people cannot afford nutritious foods which are high of costs for their family and suffer from chronic malnutrition. People suffering from parasitic infections like hookworms are susceptible to malnutrition as the hookworms take nutrients from the their intestines. Diarrhea also results in malnutrition as all the nutritive values are gone through excreta. It brings poor appetite and weakness. Agricultural productions also results in malnutrition if farmers cannot harvest nutritive crops. All the foods we consume are from agriculture. Various chemical fertilizers like pesticides, insecticide are excessively used in vegetables and crops to increase the agricultural productions but the chemicals used in it remains as residue in the human intestine causing vomiting which automatically results in malnutrition. Some small threat like drought, rise in temperature, heavy rain also decreases the productivity of crops and later there will food scarcity.  Under 2 years children are deprived from breastfeeding which contain a very high nutritive value. In some part of the world, there are no health related institutions to aware and give counseling about malnutrition to uneducated, poor and needy people.

            Malnutrition is a global health problem in most of the developing and underdeveloped country in the world though it is rarely found in developed countries too. Balanced diet must be taken daily which includes cereals, rice, green vegetables, fish, milk and eggs. There should be the provision of having food 4-5 times in a day. Breastfeeding should be done more than 8 times a day as it increases the immunity power of the body. Governments of the country should distribute fortified foods to poor people.  Lack of education is the root cause for malnutrition.  




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