Acid attack is defined as the intentional act of throwing of acid in the face and other parts of the body. The acids used are hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid.  It is a social problem globally in the world. Acid attackers mainly target towards facial parts and head.  It has been mostly reported in Bangladesh, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Italy, Iran and many more developed and underdeveloped countries of the world. Most of the women and children have been victimized from acid attack. It brings a great injuries in whole life like blindness, deaf, disfigure of the face, death of skin tissues.
            Acid attack is also one of the types of violence prevailing in the world. The life of victim of acid attacks is in darkness. They have to be physically disabled and handicapped as they have lost their vision. It brings many problems in their life and they can't get job easily to earn a livelihood. They have to be dependent with family members and husband. It does not go good for long time as they have to spent isolated life. They have to be departed with family members and divorce with husband forever. It is a serious and critical situation of the women. In the world, the rate of divorce is increasing day by day because of acid attack. It creates psychological problems like fear and depressions in the unmarried girls and harms in her education and poor performance in job. Women are humiliated as they need long term medical checkup like surgery, medication, rehabilitations and they need strong motivations, support to live a life. There is various reason of acid throwing. In case of girls, who are married with fewer dowries like money and jewelries, they become victim of acid throwing by their own family members. If they cannot give birth to the son, they are regarded a sign of bad luck and try to kill or make handicapped by throwing acid. It also happens when there are disputes between family members and relatives. In some underdeveloped countries, there are various superstitious beliefs such as witch for old, widow women and people try to destroy them by using acids and threatening them. In most of the countries, the act of taking revenge in unsuccessful lovers is prevailing most. Not only women and children, men have to suffer from it too as they cannot rear the family and children. The deep scars  occurs as the acids burns and kills the cells and tissues of the faces and body organs. There will be the less chances for marriage proposals for unmarried girls which psychologically make them despaired, lonely, socially unaccepted and humiliated  and finally plot to do suicide.

            Acid attack is a major worldwide problem. It has brought the attention of the organizations working for the welfare of the women in the world.  In many parts of the world, there are protests, strike against acid attack. Many slogans like save the women, stop acid attack are popular. In spite of it, it has not been reduced and there are many unreported cases on it. Providing skills and trainings with strong support and inspirations are the most key element for them for survival in spite of their toughness. The acid attackers must be given life imprisonment and death penalty as a punishment. So, such social crime comes in control.




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