Travelling is the movement from one place to another place for various reasons like research, collecting information, vacationing, religious pilgrimages, trade, business travel, discover new things, etc. Travelling may be on bicycle, bus, airplanes, helicopter, ships, etc. It can be a unforgettable memories in life. People in ancient days had to travel on foot and it brings excitement and happiness to visit new places.

            In this 21th century,    travelling is important part of education for school children and  researchers. From travelling school children can get vast information, new ideas and new thoughts about the places, climatic conditions, culture, dances, religious places, industrial areas, natural beauties and many other information. They can view by their own eyes, touch and  feel  as it proves reality because only studying books in school is not enough at all. Student memories  90% more while travelling than only theoretical at school. So, college and school have to organize field visits and tours for refreshment and gather more valuable information which supports in their education. If there is no travelling program, students cannot increase their knowledge, have to be confined only on books, cannot know more information about the places. He/she will be blind on how the structures of the temples should be  and what should be done before entering in the temple. Travelling teaches us social behaviors and values. We can observe the customs, languages, religions, caste, more productive crops of the place, etc which are included under social subject. Not travelling makes someone isolated, uncivilized and ignorant. While travelling, it teaches us to be friendly with friends, seniors and travel guide. Student get more information about wild animals and plants which are going to be extinct while travelling  wild life reserves, national parks and zoo. They will understand the existence of such rare plants, animals and helps in conserving in the country and whole world. While travelling from one country to another country, they come in contact with many people and know their life styles, ways of communicating, etc differ from them.

            Of course, we can get more information from newspapers, Internet, television and  radio but  travelling is the most to know and gather information practically. There is the waste of time and money while travelling but as it is the important part of education, we have to afford for it.  Education is incomplete without travelling new places. Travelling develops the wide ranges of new outlooks in life and broadens the mind too. 




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