Refugees are those people who have been forced to leave their homes or country because of civil or international wars, difference in race, religious conflicts and political instability. People become refugee due to fear of murder, sudden change in environment, environmental calamities, unable to bear the pressure of the government and lack of peace and security. Their human rights are exploited but they have also safe asylum rights. World refugee day is celebrated on 20th June each year.
              People of any country can be the refugee at anytime. They have to lose their job, friends, loved ones, society, home and family. It is a miserable condition to become a refugee. People transfer from one country to another country and are forced to settle as asylum in neighboring country. Not only is an individual but also large population exiled about thousands to millions of people in world. Life of refugee is very critical as they have to suffer from scarcity of food, shelter, clothing and health services. They have to stay in a group in certain place. They cannot get quality and hygienic foods as well as clean drinking water. They suffer from various communicable diseases like cholera, jaundice, diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid. Children have to suffer from malnutrition and starvation in such growing ages which has adverse impacts in their health. Pregnant mothers and child die during delivery as they cannot get proper health facilities in time. Infant and maternal rate increases high. Refugees do not have proper peace and security as they have to spend a stressful, depressive and hard life. Some refugee takes drugs to relief pains, sorrows and frustration. Mostly women and girls are exploited in various ways either sexually, emotionally and physically which are antisocial activities. They have to be involved in forceful sexual activities, harassment as they have to be victim of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS, syphilis and gonorrhea. It results in early forceful pregnancy and harms the health till later ages. Small children are exploited badly and they have to work hard as they are taken weak and back warded. They are deprived of child rights. It's all due to the lack of proper security for refugee. Many organizations are formed to look after the refugees of the world. UNHCR (United Nations high commission for refugee) plays a vital role in managing foods, shelter and health care for them. This organization helps to protect them from various violence and exploitations within the refugee camps. It tries to make good diplomatic efforts to get them back to their homes and countries but in some cases they do not want to get back. In such situation also, UNHCR helps them in arranging the settlements in their host countries. As UNHCR is an agency working under united nation, it has to collect huge amount from donor countries and rich countries of the world to help for refugees. Some countries help them voluntarily.

            Refugees are also the major problem for the host countries as they have to provide education, food, shelter and health facilities for large number of refugees at a time. The problem of the refugee can be raised in the General Assembly of UN and international pressures should be created to return refugees to their own country and home. World food programme also works jointly with UNHCR and other INGO's to take care of refugees. 
Earthquake is the form of natural disaster realizing the certain energy from the earth crusts which creates quakes and tremor in the earth surface. It is measured by the modern machine called seismographs. Children are more vulnerable population to natural disasters like earthquake which leaves the dangerous negative impacts in children psychologically. The recurring earthquake drags children towards mental disorders like anxiety, depressions, frustration, acting opposing behaviors and fear of dying mostly during night times.
The earthquake happens every day in different parts of the world. Some of them are felt and some are not felt. Massive earthquake can be violent as it destroys huge buildings and kills thousands of people and acts as violent in children.  The global medias broadcast the situation of the affected place, injured people and destructive environment in the televisions, radios and internet. Children are psychologically affected by the scenes like injured people with no available health care services and waiting for death, dead people all around, situation to be street people and starvation problems in earthquake victims which are viewed in televisions. They become worried, depressed, frustrated and stressed soon. They think the world as the unsafe place to survive and they do not desire to live as the world is troublesome and full of burdens. It can be the good example of television violence which makes them psychologically aggressive, full of fear of dying and loosing of their parents. School going children do not see the worth of going to schools though they are advised by their parents and elders. It hampers in their academic success and coming future. Earthquake scene in the television like small children dying by the destructions of school buildings makes them more emotional and anxiety as they think them as their own friends of their class. Children highly suffer from significant depression, anxiety and trauma symptoms. During the earthquake, many children have to lose their parents, relatives and seniors which they do not have ever imagined which would happen in life and grieving takes place in more complicated forms which they cannot tolerate. They are self injured, have to lose some body parts, see many injured people waiting for help and deaths around him/her. Instead of immediate need of supports of family members, it results in lack of proper sleep, loneliness, disturbance in eating, oppositional acting out behaviors and loss of feelings of love for others. It harms children mentally in whole life and is prolonged. So, the prolonged childhood heartbreak drags them towards antisocial activities like alcoholisms, drugs abuse, smoking, murdering, risk taking behaviors and suicide. It hampers in their developmental skills, academic and physical problems. Daytime flashbacks and nightmares occur frequently as the reoccurring events come in their mind in whole life. The memories of earthquake leaves negative impacts on children as they are afraid of small vibrations made by the running of vehicles near houses and make them remember the past dreadful events again. It includes quick breathing, high blood pressure, quick pumping of heart, high body temperature resulting in sweating and other physical symptoms in mild earthquake also.
In the world, children with victims of earthquakes are not only seriously affected psychologically but also affected physically and socially. Psychologists have a vital role in treating of the psychologically affected victimized children. Cognitive behavior therapy, trauma psychotherapy and various trauma avoiding interventions like positive and adaptive thinking, promotion of coping behaviors, reducing of stress, improving their mood and motivating them for studies and daily creative activities. School also helps them as it also provides social supports and encourages them to bear a responsibility as a student in the school.
Violence can be defined as the fearful activities to harm own self or others by physical force. Violence creates a life time health problem of one's life. It can be in the form of physical, psychological and sexual violence. Violence in health care setting is one of the threaten problems in the world especially for the women and girls. Violence has been the major threatening problem in the world which ultimately results in death, disability, psychologically imbalanced and injuries.
Violence is found to be deep rooted in health care settings since decades ago. Mostly women who come for check up in the health centers are more susceptible to violence which may be in the form of sexual harassment, physical violence and verbally use of bad words. Not only patients, health care providers are also self violated by the patients and within the staff of the health sectors. There is no better provision of security for the health care providers. Violence against them is found unreported in many cases because of fear of loss of prestige and respects. Female health workers are dominated in the health sectors as patients have the blind belief that they do not have enough knowledge and experience. So, the lack of understandings and trust results in quarreling between them. If the patients die in serious cases, doctors are easily blamed as they did not do better treatment or they neglected their patients. They have to pay unnecessary compensation of death. It creates the imbalance and disturbances in the environment of health sectors. It is found in every health care setting in the world. Within the health care setting, female health care providers are dominated by the male health workers even in the same profession. Mostly in gynecological check up, married women and girls have to suffer a lot from the unkind behavior of the male doctors during visit. Sometime rape cases have been found to be reported. Such conditions hampers the health of the females because once they are violated, they do not go again to visit for check up with the same doctor. They are forced for high payments and for more visits with the aim to make more profits. It is not good practice. Doctors dominate to the poor and lower caste people and forcefully make them obey. Male patients are also dominated and they are not checked properly in comparison to females. They show attitudes to males and do not keep their confidentiality. In most of the cases, women come to hospital for treatment because of physical violence by her family members and husband. In such cases, health workers only fulfill their duty and falls to recognize her sense of dangers. They do not ask politely to them if it is safe to go home. Women are blamed as they provoke the family in such a situation in which they are searching for security. Health care providers do not respect them and sometime suggest for the divorce with the husband instead of advising not to divorce. They violate their confidentiality in front of the family members without her consent.
Violating women than males has been more from the global view in health sector. Though various efforts have been made to control it, there have not been expected changes in it. Proper security should be managed in the heath sectors for female and male health care providers. There should be made the provision of raising voice in health care settings if violated sexually, physically and verbally. Regular surveillance should be organized.

Food adulteration is the process of mixing other non nutritious materials, decomposed foods, mislabeling which decreases the quality of the food products and adversely affects the human health. It is popular all over the world and practices may vary from one country to another country. Though it is not a healthy practice, many industries have less quality food productions in order to earn more profits. It may be both intentional and accidental.
            In many countries, there is the trend of mislabeling of the packed foods which have less in quality. The consumers have to be cheated in great number and many times in life by paying lots of money for quality less foods. Dusts, sand, tiny stones, straw and other raw material are used to earn profit which degrades the quality of food. Tiny dust of bricks are mostly used in chili powder, water in milk where fats are already taken out, hydrogenated vegetable oil added with animal fats, small stones in pulses, rice and black pepper is mixed with papaya seeds. Some adulterants like stones, dried straw pieces and iron pieces can be visually removed but non visual material like dusts, brick powder are difficult to remove. These all are the cheating process for the costumers. The packed and cooked foods are prepared under unhygienic and unsanitary places like near toilet and bathrooms in which foods are contaminated by flies, bacteria and other harmful insects. It brings the health problems like insomnia, vomiting, dizziness, less appetite, poor vision, stomach disorder, liver problem, dysentery, abortion, anemia, cancer, jaundice, paralysis and other neurological health problems where all the people need to be healthy. With increase in rapid population growth, food adulteration process is also increasing in rapid pace because of high demand of the food. In most of the cases, wild mushrooms and some types of sea fishes are very poisonous which may cause death are also being sold in the market. So, consumers themselves should be cleaver and have to notice and read correctly before purchasing any food items. They should check properly as the containers packed foods are rusted or not. Meat and milk are also sold which are from diseased and dead animals. In such cases, they should not buy. Some people preserve their agricultural productions like maize, wheat by the use of chemicals like pesticides to earn money. This practice is not good and it may lead to death as it is highly poisonous to consume.

            Food adulteration as a social problem is increasing day by day in the world. Though there have been made strict rules and law by different global organizations, it have not been properly implemented in a systematic way. The appropriate way of inspections in food quality in food industries should be organized which helps to minimize the food adulteration process. Food consumers should be given information about the food adulteration and to be aware as they have consumer rights to complain and judge. There should be made the appropriate provision of license for foods sale. So, human health problem can also be minimized slowly.
School violence is the alarming global problem created within the school environment. It has numerous impacts towards community, society and nation. It includes fighting with friends at school, quarrelling, hard punishment by teachers, tearing books, copies, use of weapons like knife and guns. It creates negative attitudes of other children at school. School violence is still prevailing in most of the developed and developing countries like Australia, Bulgaria, Japan, Belgium and many more countries of the world.
            School violence is one of the types of violence which play a vital role in deteriorating the future of the children. Teachers giving punishment like biting with sticks, chalk throwing on the forehead, slapping, shouting, threatening and scolding is not a good practice but violence against children in the school creates disturbance in the school environment. There may be the conflicts between students and teachers at school though school is regarded as the temple of education. Discipline is the ornament of the children and teachers. Many teachers of the world have to leave the teaching occupation because of the threat from students at school. Rude children in school attend by having mobile phones, not wearing dresses properly, untidy hair and unkind behaviors are some reasons for resignation in teaching occupation. They have to be feared themselves instead of advising in an appropriate way to the children. In some cases, students are threatened by their teachers at school and implement strict rules and regulations like hard punishment. It decreases their self-esteem. Teachers should be polite and punctual while teaching at classroom. Otherwise, children have negative impact towards teacher and psychologically hamper in their studies. They should be lovable towards students, encouraging children to secure better marks in the exam and be familiar. Teachers and parents play an important role equally for the development of healthy behaviors at school and home environment. They try to bring their children in good friend's circle as they will learn good habits and good manner. Parents need not want their children go in a wrong track like taking of drugs, alcohol, not attending at school, fighting with friends in a group and talking rudely with teachers. Such types of nature in the community are unacceptable and disliked by everybody. Most of the students harm school property also by breaking of benches, windows, doors, pulls out flower plants, teasing girls, writing of bad words in the school wall and classroom. In most of the cases, terrorist types of behavior like carrying gun and knife in school and making others injured are directly expelled by the school administration and are informed to police. Male have been found more to be involved in such anti social activities rather than female. Female teachers are badly exploited by own students and vice versa.

            Finally, school violence is the raising problem in present whole world. Various intervention programs should be launched to reduce school violence. There should be the creation of good environment for creating a bond between teacher, students and parents. School children should be given information and knowledge about the demerits of school violence in the school, community and country.
Banana is a highly nutritive and edible fruit common all over the world in various size, color and firmness. It is elongated and slightly curved in shape; green, yellow, brown and purple in color when ripped.  It is a largest flowering herbaceous plant in which clusters of fruits grow from the top. All bananas do not consist of seeds and it contains a creamy fleshy white which is wonderfully sweet in taste when ripped.
            Banana is available in 107 countries in the world. It is cultivated in any types of soil. Many people in the world are engaged in cultivation of the banana in large amount. Different types of bananas are planted each year.  Banana is a fruit which is highly rich in vitamins and mineral like manganese, magnesium, riboflavin, niacin, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, proteins, vitamin C, copper, biotin, carbohydrates, foliate and vitamin A. It is free of cholesterol and fats. Banana is very useful for people with blood pressure, asthma, heart diseases, cancer, treatment of diarrhea, burn body fats, diabetes and many more health benefits. Consuming banana by high blood pressure patients is good for health as it contain high potassium which lowers the risk by 20% from untimely death. Patients suffering from diarrhea can consume it as electrolytes are lost in large amount and it helps to replenish potassium stores. It can be taken during dehydration also. Banana helps in digestion process as it contains large amount of fibers. It helps in increasing and boosting of the memory power in children, adults and elderly people. Bananas are useful for maintaining blood sugar for diabetic patients and reduce over eating. Banana when eaten with milk brings weight in malnourished children and helps to reduce sleep disturbances, acidity. For the patients with stomach ulcer, bananas play a vital role in treating stomach ulcer.  It helps in making the skin so smooth, shining and helps to reduce acne, pimples problems of the face, mostly for teen agers. Ripped banana peels are rubbed on the skin to make more shiny and smooth. Still many people may not know the importance of banana and do not take it in daily diet. Daily intake of banana rather than apples is considered good for human health.
            In fact, banana as a pre-packed food which is clean, nutritious and healthy to consume by different age groups. In spite of high nutritive value, it is cheap to buy banana rather than consuming fatty and costly foods like meat, packed foods and fishes. Cultivation of banana helps to uplift the economic status of the family and country as it is simple and higher techniques are not implemented.

Agriculture is collectively the domestications of animals, plants, cultivation, using chemical fertilizers like pesticides and insecticides in the field for increasing agricultural productions for human survival. Agriculture is the main source of income in all over the world. It was started from the very beginning of human civilization after hunting age.
            Agriculture is the most important source of income which supports the economic status country because a country is not developed in other sectors that holds budget of the country. More than 70% of people in the world are engaged in agriculture. It consist cattle rearing like goat for meat, sheep for wool, ox for ploughing fields and buffalo for milk. Poultry farming is also the part of agriculture. Different types of hen and cocks are reared for eggs and meat which are harvested in few months and have high demand in the market. Fishery also helps to uplift economy as it provides fishes which are high in proteins. Productions of various crops depend on climatic change. Paddy, wheat, millet, maize, barley, buck wheat, sugarcane, jute, oil seeds, tobacco, and soya bean are the major crops which are grown all over the country. Paddy farming is the most grown crops in the world. From such farming uneducated people are benefited from it by systematic trainings related to agriculture. Agriculture provides grasses and leaves of trees for cattle. Cow dung are used as manure in the field for better cultivation. There have been arrived systematic and scientific way of cultivating. Use of tractor for digging field is worldwide common and chemical fertilizers are used in large amount for high agricultural productions. The productions like tea, coffee, rice and tobacco are the most exporting crops in the world. It earns huge foreign currencies and helps in importing medicinal herbs, machinery goods and raw materials in the country. There are high demands of raw materials from agriculture in the large scaled industries like cotton for threads, fruits to make juices, flowers for making scented perfumes, jute for preparing sacks and sugarcane for preparing sugar. Agricultural sectors provide large opportunities for jobless people and labors like drainage system and irrigation system. It decreases the unemployment problem in the country.

            Finally, agriculture as a social development plays a vital role for providing food in large amount for huge population. It helps to sustain the economic standard of the country and helps in reducing starvation. Conflicts, strikes and war cause less supply of inadequate food which raise the problem of food shortage and malnutrition problems.
Women empowerment is the act of providing quality education, access to opportunities and resources to enable them to change the social structure of the society and nation. It helps in increasing women self esteem, prestige and self confidence. Empowered women have the positive attitudes towards family members and decision making but in most of the countries, they are taken as economic disasters and burden.

            Today's world is the age of science and technology but women are still constant. It's because of the prevailing traditional wrong concepts towards women since ancient days. Women empowerment in 21th century is very essential so as to forward and encourage women towards the development of the society and nation. Still there are many backward societies considering women as meaningless human in most of the patriarchal countries. They are prohibited from various facilities like quality education, good health services, nutritious food, proper care and love. They remain backward in whole life and they are not given any chances to adopt these facilities. Example; involving in social works, working  in banks, offices. They have to be bounded by four domestic walls throughout the life. Involving in social meetings and activities are not taken good by their family members. Male have always been forwarded as society supports and encourage them. As a male, female can also perform any sorts of activities and go hand in hand with male. Male have higher wages than of female for doing the same work as it is also a kind of domination and gender based violence. A well educated woman can be a good and skilled technical human resources required for the country like doctor, nurse, social workers and engineer if all facilities made available for them. As strong human resources, they play an important role in building of the nation economically and socially. They can make a different identity in the society but in different parts of the world, still women have to suffer from sexual violence, psychological violence and physical violence like slaps, biting and discrimination from the family member because they are economically weak. Even in 21th century, the condition of the women is very critical. Many women die each year in the world because of pre-mature pregnancy, anemia and HIV/AIDS as they are exploited. So, there are various measures to overcome such situations. Women can be given income generating skills to earn livelihood and knowledge on reproductive rights. So, they are able to decide to have the limited number of children, use appropriate family planning methods, birth spacing and safe motherhood. Empowered women are able to seek health care service during pregnancy and bear safe motherhood. They visit health centers after delivery for checkup of the new born child. Such women are likely attracted towards small family. They can be able for decision making in the family and help in controlling of the growing population of the world.

            Empowered women play a vital role in the family, society and nation. They can maintain the family in a systematic way and earn money employing in income generating skills. Women should be motivated and supported by the society and country to change the face of the narrowed minded societies. The status of women is not comparable with men because they have also the capability to combat socially, economically and politically in the country.

            Computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, data and recordings. It performs various types of activities instructed by the users. The father of computer is Charles Babbage. It is the boon of science and technology in modern days. It have been used widely and globally found in various shapes and size.
            Computers are widely used in different sectors like schools, banks, offices, hospitals, movie hall, etc. It plays a vital role for the development of the country and world. There is no one who has not heard about the word 'computer'. The knowledge on computer is the most importance part of education. Computers are widely used in school curriculum to enhance the children about the function and necessity of computer in modern days at early ages. It is used for calculation of the mathematical problems, teach the students by the help of the computers. Students need computers to study in a systematic way. It performs activities very efficiently than a person utilize his mind and bleaches their personal capability. They get more knowledge and skills using different applications like goggle.  Banks are the most users of the computer. It stores the information, financial transactions in an efficient way. If there is no invention of the computer, all the information and bank transactions have to be written in copies which may be unsafe from water, insect bites and dusts. So, the recording in the computer remains for long period of time. Computers are mostly used by children of higher societies as they play video games, watch movies, drawing various pictures and listening songs. They can be benefited largely as they can watch news living in the corner of the room. In offices also computer are highly used for printing purpose, recording of the number of staffs presented in the office and recording daily official activities in a systematic and scientific way. So, in modern days a person without computer knowledge cannot get a job.  Skillful people on computers are always in high demand for various purposes. Computers are needed in railways stations and airports as it records information about the departure and ticket booking system of airplane and train. Hospitals have also its own computer to operate surgical machines for surgery and record the number of the patients. It is also widely used to run different machines in the large scale industries and factories. Criminal investigations are performed from the use of modern computer. CC TV is operated from computer. It is useful for typing for thesis, designing of houses, newspapers, magazines and animation purpose to make advertisements. Through the computer, information and ideas can be exchanged as it is the fastest and reliable means of communication.  Letters, photos and information can be sent through e-mails and fax using the electronic device, computer. The excessive uses of computers have also some demerits like: children are fond of playing games in the computer which distracts their mind towards study and more use of it losses the eye vision. Sometimes, it may lose the stored data due to viruses.

            Computer is very familiar from young children to old people. Its course is included in college and universities as today's world are completely based on science and technology. If there hadn't been the invention of computer, the world wouldn't have been much forwarded in science and technology. It helps in making life of the people more visible, comfortable and easier. It is used daily in our daily life.

               Violence can be defined as the fearful activities to harm own self or others by physical force. Violence creates a life time health problem of one's life. It can be in the form of physical, psychological and sexual violence. Violence is defined by the World Health Organization in the WRVH as “the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation.” Violence has been the major threatening problem in the world which ultimately results in death, disability, psychologically imbalanced and injuries.
            Violence is increasing day by day in the present world since many decades ago. Mostly girls and women have to be the strong victim of the violence since birth to old age. They have to bear any sorts of violence in their life time. The prenatal sex selection is done for female infanticide as baby girls are taken as economic disasters. If born, they have to be deprived from nutritious food resulting in malnutrition and they are prohibited from health care services. As they grow, they do not seem to be healthy. In adolescent period, parents marry them in very early age and have to be pregnant early to bear child resulting in death of the mother. They have to suffer a lot from forced sex from their husband and be the victim of STDs like HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea and hepatitis. They have to be victim of rape cases also at different ages which deteriorate their health. They are undernourished as they suffer from different diseases and are weak.   In reproductive age (14-49) also; they bear physical violence like biting, shouting and slapping from their family members. The health workers in the health institutions also exploit women sexually and psychologically. After then women do not desire to take health services. They have to bear unplanned pregnancy resulting in economic burden in the family. Girl child are killed by sex selection process and adopt different methods of abortion. During the delivery of the baby, they have many complications and are not taken to the health institutions and may finally die. Some mothers have to suffer from the psychotic depression too. As women are sexually harassed and exploited, they suffer from STDs in reproductive age and are deprived of nutritious foods mainly containing iron resulting in anemia. Later in old age, women have to suffer from various diseases like osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, breast cancer, cervical cancer and arthritis. If a baby girl is fully nourished, educated and well behaved in a family, she would have given birth to a healthy baby in appropriate age and educated husband as well as family members would  treat very well throughout the life.

            Violence, as a global problem in the world plays a vital role in deteriorating the health of the girl's life. Lack of education, lack of violence screening, strong need of son in patriarchal societies, lack of women empowerment, lack of surveys and research are some of the causes for the violence and gradually resulting in creating health problems.  

            Acid attack is defined as the intentional act of throwing of acid in the face and other parts of the body. The acids used are hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid and nitric acid.  It is a social problem globally in the world. Acid attackers mainly target towards facial parts and head.  It has been mostly reported in Bangladesh, Canada, Australia, Turkey, Italy, Iran and many more developed and underdeveloped countries of the world. Most of the women and children have been victimized from acid attack. It brings a great injuries in whole life like blindness, deaf, disfigure of the face, death of skin tissues.
            Acid attack is also one of the types of violence prevailing in the world. The life of victim of acid attacks is in darkness. They have to be physically disabled and handicapped as they have lost their vision. It brings many problems in their life and they can't get job easily to earn a livelihood. They have to be dependent with family members and husband. It does not go good for long time as they have to spent isolated life. They have to be departed with family members and divorce with husband forever. It is a serious and critical situation of the women. In the world, the rate of divorce is increasing day by day because of acid attack. It creates psychological problems like fear and depressions in the unmarried girls and harms in her education and poor performance in job. Women are humiliated as they need long term medical checkup like surgery, medication, rehabilitations and they need strong motivations, support to live a life. There is various reason of acid throwing. In case of girls, who are married with fewer dowries like money and jewelries, they become victim of acid throwing by their own family members. If they cannot give birth to the son, they are regarded a sign of bad luck and try to kill or make handicapped by throwing acid. It also happens when there are disputes between family members and relatives. In some underdeveloped countries, there are various superstitious beliefs such as witch for old, widow women and people try to destroy them by using acids and threatening them. In most of the countries, the act of taking revenge in unsuccessful lovers is prevailing most. Not only women and children, men have to suffer from it too as they cannot rear the family and children. The deep scars  occurs as the acids burns and kills the cells and tissues of the faces and body organs. There will be the less chances for marriage proposals for unmarried girls which psychologically make them despaired, lonely, socially unaccepted and humiliated  and finally plot to do suicide.

            Acid attack is a major worldwide problem. It has brought the attention of the organizations working for the welfare of the women in the world.  In many parts of the world, there are protests, strike against acid attack. Many slogans like save the women, stop acid attack are popular. In spite of it, it has not been reduced and there are many unreported cases on it. Providing skills and trainings with strong support and inspirations are the most key element for them for survival in spite of their toughness. The acid attackers must be given life imprisonment and death penalty as a punishment. So, such social crime comes in control.
     Malnutrition can be defined as the excess and deficit of the nutritive value required for the development and growth of the body resulting in major health problems. It results in two categories; under nutrition and over nutrition. However, malnutrition refers to the under nutrition. The food to be consumed should be nutritious containing various vitamins, carbohydrate, fats, mineral and proteins which boost the body preventing to be malnourished.
            Malnutrition is a major health problem resulting all over the world. It doesn't results by not eating nutritious foods daily in diet but also results by over eating. Overeating is not healthy practice from the health point of view; it results in over weight and obesity. Overeating is common in western countries and is attracted towards fast foods due to availability and accessibility, rather than nutritious foods like milk, fishes, green vegetables and proteins. Life styles and more eating habits also help for overweight which is the sign of bad health. The common reason for malnutrition is poverty and expensiveness. Poor people cannot afford nutritious foods which are high of costs for their family and suffer from chronic malnutrition. People suffering from parasitic infections like hookworms are susceptible to malnutrition as the hookworms take nutrients from the their intestines. Diarrhea also results in malnutrition as all the nutritive values are gone through excreta. It brings poor appetite and weakness. Agricultural productions also results in malnutrition if farmers cannot harvest nutritive crops. All the foods we consume are from agriculture. Various chemical fertilizers like pesticides, insecticide are excessively used in vegetables and crops to increase the agricultural productions but the chemicals used in it remains as residue in the human intestine causing vomiting which automatically results in malnutrition. Some small threat like drought, rise in temperature, heavy rain also decreases the productivity of crops and later there will food scarcity.  Under 2 years children are deprived from breastfeeding which contain a very high nutritive value. In some part of the world, there are no health related institutions to aware and give counseling about malnutrition to uneducated, poor and needy people.

            Malnutrition is a global health problem in most of the developing and underdeveloped country in the world though it is rarely found in developed countries too. Balanced diet must be taken daily which includes cereals, rice, green vegetables, fish, milk and eggs. There should be the provision of having food 4-5 times in a day. Breastfeeding should be done more than 8 times a day as it increases the immunity power of the body. Governments of the country should distribute fortified foods to poor people.  Lack of education is the root cause for malnutrition.  
Female infanticide is an illegal killing of girl child at any ages and also in the womb before birth after selective abortion. It has another word like filicide. Girl children are considered meaningless because of patriarchal societies. Male children are given more priority as it is the boon of god, economically and socially above girls. It is common in every continent, countries either developed or underdeveloped and higher societies too.  It's common in China, India, Pakistan and other countries.
            Female infanticide is a crime, sinful activity in which girls are terminated. Infants are killed by sex selection process but baby boy is accepted socially. There are so many reasons for female infanticide. In some countries, girl child are killed with wrong concept that it helps in controlling rapid population growth. Many infants are killed by drowning in the water, letting the child to suffocate to die, burying, pressing the neck after birth, abortion by medications and leaving it by not feeding any nutritious food causing starvation and dehydration. Everybody need mother, sister, daughter in law, etc but a girl child is extremely excluded and taken as bad luck, burden. Sometimes, own mother kill infant as they  become sufferer of postpartum depression. Female infanticide is affected by culture rather than the religions. Girls are killed as their parents have to sacrifice themselves by giving lots of dowry like jewelers, machinery goods, money and land in marriage ceremony. So, they will be free from the burden of dowry systems. They take son for dynasty continuation, care taker in old age, economically strong as they get higher salary in same works which female does. In some countries like china, governments have made a policy of having only one child per family. So, many couples terminate baby girl as they wish to bear baby boy and girl child is economic disasters for them. Girls with any deformities and disability are murdered. Child born from mother with rapped pregnancy, is thrown along river side, bushes or buried.  If girls are killed in such a way, the population of the females will be decreased and male population is raised to certain height. In some countries, females are killed to balance the population of the male and female. There are various methods for reducing female infanticides. Example: timely screening of mothers with postpartum depression, providing education and regulation of strict laws.

            Murdering of female is not a good practice and is a social crime. Girls should also be given priority as male because they are also the gift of god and they can do something in life and go hand in hand with male being as a social worker, nurse, officer, writer and pilot. She also has her own life as of male and has right to live. The concept of taking girls as an economic disaster and burden must be diminished. Women should be united to raise voice and protest against killing of female children in social media and worldwide.
Youths are regarded as the strong pillar and believable ruler of the country who are  responsible to change the artificial cover and put them on original cover for smooth development of the nation. Youths should be given more importance and priority in the revenue of the country as they have the strength, power and capability to perform any activities. Nation building is the enormous task.
            Any nation cannot be developed without energetic and vigorous youths. Developed country cannot be imagined until they try to change the artificial cover. They should play a significant role as they are the responsible citizen of the country. For the development of the nation: three main organs such as education, discipline and patience are essential. These organs also lead great assistances to youths while building nation. Education is the right and sight of the people. It is necessary to get reliable knowledge and skills and it is said to be the light of the sun which makes them skillful, talented, energetic, full of zeal and they can get involved in several developmental activities. Educated youths are the key skilled human resources. If the word "education" isn't created how could the youths uplift the country? Nobody can imagine for a while. Youths always should be positive and they should think positive for the country. They must not think what the country gives them but it is significant to realize that what they should contribute to the nation. Discipline is the another organ which can forward the youths for nation building. The youths shouldn't be involved in wrong activities which leads adverse effects to the country. If they get involved in those activities, there may be creation of different violence like sexual violence, physical violence, psychological violence, gang fights, etc lacking peace and security, degrades the nation. Nation should process peace and security for the involvement of youths in nation building. They must be always punctual and are valuable assets of the country. Energetic youths should be united together for crafting solutions, discussions, debating in the same desk. He/she shouldn't think that they are the only citizen of the country and must not lose their hopes.  Patience is also the important organ which helps in the assistance of the nation development which is to be performed by youths. Each and every people of the country should be a royal model and  inspire the youths in order to forward them for the development of the nation.  They should tend them with care and attentions as they sow with viable seeds as they realize that youths are the meadow where seeds of knowledge and wisdoms are grown for harvesting.

            Government of the nation should also create pressure to the youths as they are the blood of the country in which the country can survive in the presence of youths and their contribution is the most. They must train youths about systematic and scientific way of agricultural production, road constructions, plumber works, electricity works, furniture works and business. Projects and programs should be launched for the involvement of the youths for inspiration and motivation towards social development works.
The contaminants in the natural environment in the form of noise, land, air and water which brings adverse changes in the environment and harms to human health is called environmental pollution. Pollutions in the environment invites different diseases in various forms. Environment  have been degrading day by day with the increase of the various forms of the pollution and gradually affecting the human health .
            Environmental pollution have been classified into four groups: air pollution, land pollution, water pollution and sound pollution. All these pollutions are the result of human activities like throwing unwanted sewages, mixing polluted liquids in the water sources causing water pollution, establishment of the industrial areas nearby residential areas causing air pollution and sound pollution. With the increase of rapid population growth, pollution is also increasing day by day in the world. Industrialization and urbanization is also increasing in bullet speed. Burning of coal in large amount and industries emits very harmful gases like chlorofluorocarbon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and dust particles gets mixed in the air which adversely affects living creatures and health of human being. It harms human health causing respiratory infection, common cold, allergy, high blood pressure, lungs diseases, poor vision, skin diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, etc. Such diseases results in long term exposure to workplace like industries and factories. The noise emitted from industries results in reduction of hearing power, sleep disturbances, laziness, dullness and mentally disturbed. Water pollution is also increasing daily. People link the drainage system in the river side, throw harmful chemical waste materials coming from hospitals nearby water sources like ponds, lakes, oceans, etc. Marine foods like types of fishes, prawn, crabs and polluted water are consumed unknowingly resulting in diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, kidney problems, vomiting, amoebic dysentery and jaundice. The harmful chemicals in water like fluorides, arsenic, lead, mercury, insecticides and pesticides remain as residues in the human intestine. So, mortality rate is increasing daily as it is serious condition in the present world. Similarly, solid wastages and sewages are left unmanaged in the lands and gets decayed which is degrading the soil fertility and reducing agricultural productions. The smell coming from such decayed solid wastage also contribute for air pollution and spread of germs, bacteria in air  helps in causing diseases.

            In spite of rapid growth of environmental pollution, there are various measure to control it. Water borne diseases and air borne diseases can be minimized in some extent.     Public toilets can be built in different place which helps to minimize water pollution and air pollution. Strict rules and regulations must be made and implement in a systematic way. Non renewable sources like coal, petrol must be limited in use and people should be united for pollution free environment and good health of the people. 
Good manner is the collection of the natures, behaviors which reflects someone as a civilized, good member of the society. It is taught since childhood days, how to behave in different situations either  in the family, relatives, friends, workplace and society.
            Good manner is the most important aspect of life in modern era. It plays a vital role to make a life easier, happy, prosperous and satisfied. Mannered people are respected and they can go forward in various sectors like business, office and other occupations. They can easily be the part of the society too. People who lack good manner are always back warded in life and never be  friendly with everybody. No one can be adjusted with such mannerless people anymore. As life is a very long way path, they have to suffer a lot in different stages of life and can't get help, inspirations, love and support from family, relatives, friends and society as they have to be the strong victim of depressions, frustration, loneliness, fear and mentally retarded. He/she will be considered manerless, inappropriate in the eyes of the society. Good manner is mostly taught from parents since very young age at home and then after from school. In the school, teachers teach them to say good morning, good afternoon or Namaste to elders. They motivated children to be friendly and not to fight with friends in the school. People who speak rudely are hated and disliked by everybody and nobody like to listen them. Becoming angry in small issues is not so good manner. Example of good manner is; speaking politely, eating food without mouth open, respecting elders, talking by smiling, etc. Someone who say thank you after he/she gets help, it leaves a good positive impressions and they are praised. Using the words "please" while humbly requesting for something is also a good practice. If he/she is degree holder but don't know the way to speak, respect elders, walk, etc he/she can't be said as civilized person and there is no existence of becoming degree holder.  So good manner must be taught in children because it make them habitual in adult ages also.

            Good manner must be initiated which helps in  achieving  a goal in life,  get respect and to be lovable with everyone. It can be considered as an essential key for bright future also because he/she can go forward to be  a good teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, etc but a manerless person remains constant and can't progress in life anymore.
Travelling is the movement from one place to another place for various reasons like research, collecting information, vacationing, religious pilgrimages, trade, business travel, discover new things, etc. Travelling may be on bicycle, bus, airplanes, helicopter, ships, etc. It can be a unforgettable memories in life. People in ancient days had to travel on foot and it brings excitement and happiness to visit new places.

            In this 21th century,    travelling is important part of education for school children and  researchers. From travelling school children can get vast information, new ideas and new thoughts about the places, climatic conditions, culture, dances, religious places, industrial areas, natural beauties and many other information. They can view by their own eyes, touch and  feel  as it proves reality because only studying books in school is not enough at all. Student memories  90% more while travelling than only theoretical at school. So, college and school have to organize field visits and tours for refreshment and gather more valuable information which supports in their education. If there is no travelling program, students cannot increase their knowledge, have to be confined only on books, cannot know more information about the places. He/she will be blind on how the structures of the temples should be  and what should be done before entering in the temple. Travelling teaches us social behaviors and values. We can observe the customs, languages, religions, caste, more productive crops of the place, etc which are included under social subject. Not travelling makes someone isolated, uncivilized and ignorant. While travelling, it teaches us to be friendly with friends, seniors and travel guide. Student get more information about wild animals and plants which are going to be extinct while travelling  wild life reserves, national parks and zoo. They will understand the existence of such rare plants, animals and helps in conserving in the country and whole world. While travelling from one country to another country, they come in contact with many people and know their life styles, ways of communicating, etc differ from them.

            Of course, we can get more information from newspapers, Internet, television and  radio but  travelling is the most to know and gather information practically. There is the waste of time and money while travelling but as it is the important part of education, we have to afford for it.  Education is incomplete without travelling new places. Travelling develops the wide ranges of new outlooks in life and broadens the mind too. 



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